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Earth’s New Children & Changing DNA

It becomes more and more apparent that we aren’t alone in the universe and we are not only the only species here inhabiting planet Earth. Initially, Earth was seeded by many of our beloved Star Nations comprised of Arcturus, Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius and a few others.

We are genetically matched from the stars eons ago, and part of their DNA is aligned with ours, many people feel a very strong affiliation with other beings from these planets as they have had previous incarnations from there learning important skills and knowledge to bring to Earth especially now during these transition times.

As we move further into anchoring these higher frequencies into Earth it becomes more apparent that our “Star Family Allies” are assisting with this process of upgrading not only our own DNA so that become more fully conscious of our true divine nature, yet they are assisting with the process of bringing in higher evolved souls into Earth.

Regardless of how these children are conceived through egg and sperm or interdimensional conception, they are being carefully monitored through the gestational process of being genetically updated while still in utero.

Many contactees over decades have come forth with their experiences of being taken on to crafts or visited at night and monitored through the process of their pregnancy.

Some women may be consciously aware of this process and others may be completely unaware of what is taking place, as memories of these experiences can be overridden by filter memories and may awake from strange dreams finding small marks, scars or incisions on their bodies predominately around their stomachs and lower abdomen.

Of course, for some, this provokes and stirs up much fear because of all the negative information shown through the media and movies. When you get down to the core of it we all carry within us parts of DNA which is starting to become unlocked within us these stands are the connection to our higher dimensional selves. Our children are the product of these higher aspects coming forth into physical form.

As these babies are born they don’t necessarily look any different as some people may assume, yet their abilities are, they are able to have abilities such as telekinesis, telepathic, healing abilities, artistic skills, advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics or high spiritual awareness, knowledge of previous incarnations on Earth and other Planets.

They are given such names as ‘star children’ crystal, rainbow and diamond children. Regardless of any names or labels, it is quite apparent that the children who have been born over the past 10 years or more come more fully equipped, aware and alert from the moment they are birthed into this world.

It’s important to give these children the upbringing and environment that will nurture their sensitive natures and harness those that have come forth with them. This poses the question of mainstream education systems and whether are they slightly outdated for what is to come over the next few years. Of course, it’s important for all children to have the basic foundations of education, yet do we have a need for evaluating these models as in a reversal role who will be teaching whom?

These children are the future leaders of the next generation and will have the potential to teach us many things that we have forgotten – as I feel great importance to listening and learning from them and not disregarding what they tell us and not riding it off as a vivid imagination. And in our abilities to nurture their skills and abilities so that they do not forget as our past generations have.

Written by Alisha Braché

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