As part of my own journey, years of research, observation and supporting women.
Understanding the human story of Descension & Ascension how children were conceived in the past and what is now resurfacing on the planet as an Ancient way returning as we move into a New Earth Paradigm of 5th Dimensional Consciousness and Beyond!
This reshapes everything we have known in our recent history of possibilities on the conception of a child/children ~ We are now factoring in things such as light conception, interdimensional conception, parthenogenesis, hybridization of Galactic genetics. We also look into the spiritual components of Energetics of conception amounts Divine Counterparts and how the process is purely based on Energy and Frequencies to be able to birth the child into the physical world from the higher dimensional realms or from other Star Nations.
We will be exploring how this happens in-depth, the different components and how this changes pre-natal care, birthing and also conscious parenting.